Recruiting registered Practical nurses at Mizuno Hospital

Registered Practical nurses job offer information

瀬戸市の水野病院のPractical nurses求人募集情報
瀬戸市の水野病院のPractical nurses求人募集情報

Registered Practical nurses job offer information

Type of occupation Practical nurses
Number of positions Several
Job details There is a medical clerk in each ward, so you can focus on nursing duties.
Employment status Full-time employees
Employment period No set employment period
Required qualifications Registered nurse's license
Age 18〜59 We will also recruit those 60 and over on a part-time basis. Please consult with us individually.
Selection method Interview
Recruitment method First please call Mizuno Nursing care clinic  Mizuno Clinic(0561-48-2231)

Registered Practical nurses working conditions

Salary Fixed pay: 205,000 yen ~275,000 yen (Base pay: 165,000 yen~220,000 yen Skill level allowance:40,000 yen~55,000 yen)
Allowances Day shift allowance:11,400 yen~15,200 yen/shift
Night shift allowance (weekdays):16,400 yen~19,200 yen/shift
Night shift(holidays):19,300 yen~22,500 yen/shift
Other overtime allowances and commuting allowances available
Salary raises Once per year: 1,000 yen~5,000 yen/month
Bonuses Twice per year: Performance based pay
First year: Total of 3 months' pay
2nd year and after: Total of 3.8 months' pay
Annual income

1st year: About 4,400,000 yen~

2nd year: About 4,550,000 yen~

Enrolled insurance Employment insurance, worker's accident insurance, health insurance, welfare annuity insurance

Registered Practical nurses duties

Work system 2 shift system
Work hours 8:30~17:00、16:45~9:15、etc
Break times 60minutes
Night shift work About 4-5 times per month
Overtime work Average 7.5 hours per month
Holidays Complete five-day workweek system, 8 days off in 4 weeks, about 120 days off per year

Welfare program for registered Practical nurses

Holiday system Paid vacation, childcare leave, maternity leave, nursing leave, special leave for weddings and funerals
Employee dorms can be used
Nursery inside the hospital can be used
Severance pay system available (working 3 years or longer)


If you have any questions regarding the recruitment please feel free to inquire via the inquiries form.

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